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Meet the cast

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Vera is 15 years old and the youngest of 3 sisters. She adores lollipops and loves to spend her time organizing and counting them. Her and her dog Linda are inseparable and Vera loves to take care of her. Vera is extremely outgoing and social, loves to hang out with her friends and family. One of her favorite things to do is go on drives and listen to rap and pop music. Don't let her sweet smile deceive you, her bossy side will get her anything she wants. Vera's party trick is to rap the clean versions of her favorite songs by artists like Cardi B and Bad Bunny. 

Ana Maria

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Ana Maria (red dress) is 15 years old and she is an extremely sweet, loving, and fun girl. She can be shy at times, but once her friends are near her, she is a social butterfly. At home, she loves to help out and be there for her family. She is always aware of every little detail, and just like Vera, her bossy side comes out when she wants things a specific way. Like most teenagers, homework is not her favorite but she still works hard for her goals. Ana loves to dance, sing and dreams of marrying Captain America one day. 



Matias is 15 years old and he is an extremely happy and caring person. He has lots of friends and is constantly making sure they all have the best time ever. He has no problem helping others because he truly enjoys being there for people. Matias loves sports such as swimming, basketball, soccer, and ride his bike. He also enjoys fresh air and seeing the animals in nature (cows are his absolute favorite). He has a sister who he loves dearly, but like every pair of sibling, they have their ups and downs, but in the end, they are each other's best friend. 

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